We are living in a whole new world. Our grandparents and to a lesser degree our parents have ‘stopped’ their lives for us. In the name of LOVE, they were trying to install their ideology on us. Constantly complaining that ‘this generation’ will never amount to anything… Have we even noticed, have we stopped to think of the nature of human evolution and to how the direction of human desire and purpose has drastically shifted?

Are you still trying to make your children, your friends believe in what you do? Are you upset if they have different dreams and goals than you? Are you, by being hard on yourself and judgemental of your own choices and actions, unconsciously trying to submit your loved once and event your friends and strangers into following your path? And taking away their freedom and the ability to express their uniqueness and individuality…Are you ‘binding’ them and spiritually ‘choking’ them in the name of LOVE?

If I don’t catch myself, I am still doing it! And its time to grow up. It’s time to realise your own hidden inner potential. Watch the video above. We would love to hear your opinion.

Are you looking to ‘Get out of your own mind’? To find the ‘Block’ which is holding you back for years?

Join us in our upcoming Urban Elephant Retreat free yourself of the chains of your past and the fears of your future, expend your self identity to match the evolutionary changes of humanity and finally lead with your heart (as you get your own mind out of your own way)!


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