Overcome Stress And Anxiety

The question is why do intelligent, smart, capable and amazing people who understand everything, read all the books, listen to all the speakers still can’t overcome stress and anxiety


Stress and Anxiety are not in your Mind…

It’s not the mind that creates stress and anxiety. Even though we try and rationalize the solution with our minds, reactively try to resolve  our stress and anxiety, they still keep coming back, keep overwhelming us and it is not our mind

Well if it’s not our mind than what is it?

I believe it is simple, self identity of stress and anxiety, that has to do with the levels of our awareness of ourself through body sensation. Another words I believe that stress and anxiety and  even depression have direct link to our own self identity not through the mind and understanding alone, but also  through sensation of the body that gives us the
feeling of stress and anxiety.

In other words we self identify as somebody who has stress and anxiety at the level of physical sensations and no matter how smart we are and how many times we say to ourselves we should not do it as we say to ourselves we are bigger than this and life is bigger than that yet all of those things  help us for that moment, sometimes, but they don’t resolve the issue

Because we are at survival, our life does not dependent on what we understand, and we are starting to question this, our life is obviously not dependent with my understanding know but it’s more dependent on self identity that has a true rude in body sensation.

So what I’ve done is I have worked for many years with many ancient traditions and I have developed an integrated method, The Art of Bim, (bio-energetic intuitive meditation)

Now, bio-energetic stands for the bioenergy of the body, for the energy that gives us life.

Intuitive obviously is based on their ability to follow something unfamiliar and to trust it. To go into the unknown and to trust it. That’s what intuition is.

Meditation means working with self.

So now we have the work with the bioenergy, the energy that gives us life through an intuitive process and the ability to boldly go into unfamiliar territory with the trust that we are safe there and meditation of course working within us.

So this method consists of a meditation which is different then most of us are familiar with.

This meditation begins from a standing posture, does not require clearing
your mind, does not require any postures, does not require any previous experience.

It is based on the most natural experience of the body and I guide you through it in a thirty minute exercise.

To experience this 30 minutes meditation so you can get to the core of
your stress and anxiety, to actually change the way you experience yourself to expend your self identity not only where it happens at the mind level but actually at the body levels, where it’s is truly holding you back
click on the link bellow fill in your email address and i will send your your first 30 minute The Art Of Bim meditation


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