The “A” Factor in Business

The ART of self awareness and not the latest Technology may be leading factor to business success in the twenty first century overwhelm

You can no longer win on technology, price, or even on timely info…

To give people a personal touch over this technology overwhelm, is an ART !

This Art actually requires a greater understanding of oneself.

I believe this Art will eventually be integrated into every business product and service, for the product or service to even survive the technology race.You can learn these laws. You can even make them part of your routine.But the ego will always show. Very few people, hence companies, can be authentic enough to do it properly for the long hall.

This is the human element which will always be unique and will always require improving on.

As times are changing rapidly. At a time were Everyone, both the consumer and the service provider have free and unlimited access to a phone and the Internet from their back pockets.

At the very time, when technology often replaces the need to do, to know, even to be consistent in your delivery…and makes big or small, rich or poor, startup or seasoned, Equal…at this very moment, the ENERGY becomes the ultimate game changer, the silent key to human relation defining business survival, success or failure.


Erik Valdman


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