Just as a child would rebel against a parent who takes away their freedom to express their gifts, their uniqueness, their individuality. So will your body, rebel if taken away the Freedom of expressing its hidden inner potential.
A child first needs help, then guidance and then and then an inspiration, to be himself or herself, so does your body. We do well on helping, and even supporting but often miss on the inspiring. We even try to replace the body instead of allowing it the freedom and the growth. But it is not our fault. We were never told that the body is capable of further growth nor shown the ways to give it inspiration.
this new commodity can’t be mined
you cant buy nor sell it
this new commodity has been here for ages
this new commodity is your AWARENESS
Like a child, when grows up she will be there to help others, until then she is an inspiration…the actual process of development itself, the growth of a child and not her perfection. Not through knowing but through learning. Not through power but through curiosity, fearless resilience, non judgement.Trough her innocence she inspires. What if we could be that inspiration to our own body. What if there was a practice to harvest AWARENESS ?